SLC’s phenomenal Rs.12.1 billion net income for 2023 a massive Victory for the game at large

SLC President Shammi Silva the Driving Force

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) has announced a record net income of Rs. 12.1 billion for the fiscal year 2923, reflecting a 105 per cent increase compared to the previous year.

This by all accounts is a phenomenal achievement by Sri Lanka Cricket for which it’s President, Shammi Silva must be largely credited for an extraordinary job done.

Indeed, SLC has achieved significant goals earmarked by its far sighted President whose strong point had been to identify potential areas to be maximised to good effect. This virtue displayed by the country’s Cricket top brass in driving cricket on all fronts coupled by meaningful financial gain has been an overflowing and overwhelming success story at SLC ever since the sharp shooting Shammi Silva took over the reigns at the country’s nerve center of the game.

It is very heartening for national cricket fronting the International arena that the SLC membership has unanimously adopted the audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2023. The audited financial statements were approved during an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on August 24, 2024 in Colombo as officially announced by SLC.
This by leaps and bounds must be recognised as a massive victory for the country’s Cricket on all fronts from the grassroots level to the mainstream national forward thrust.
In such a bountiful leverage Shammi Silva has, to put it in typical cricketing parlance ‘batted for the country’s cricket’ has been the best possible stroke he has played from an administrative perspective.

The SLC official statement goes on to mention that ‘the significant rise in net income was primarily attributed to four key revenue streams: International cricket, domestic cricket, sponsorship agreements, and annual disbursements from the ICC.

It goes on to state thus, ‘The National Audit Office has provided an unqualified opinion in it’s Auditor’d Report regarding the financial statements of Sri Lanka Cricket for the year ending December 31, 2023, and that commenting on the audited financial statements, SLC President Shammi Silva has stated that that the unqualified opinion from the National Audit Office serves as a testament to the organisation’s adherence to Sri Lankan laws and it’s commitment to financial transparency.

Indeed, it goes to highlight the vision of a top administrator who plays it fair and square as do the norms of the noble gentleman”s game of cricket having been a top sportsman himself.