Saif Ali Khan, the Bollywood actor and Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi’s son was stabbed by an unknown intruder at his home in Mumbai’s Bandra in the early hours of Thursday. According to media reports, Shah Rukh Khan is on his way to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai to visit the 54-year-old actor.
During an attempted burglary, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times at his Bandra residence. The film industry and fans were shocked on Thursday morning when the news surfaced. King Khan’s luxury car was spotted by paparazzi heading to Lilavati Hospital. The actor made it a point to visit Saif Ali Khan at this crucial and difficult time as he shares a strong bond with the actor and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Notably, Shah Rukh worked with Saif in the iconic Kal Ho Naa Ho. With Kareena Kapoor Khan, he delivered several blockbusters, including ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’ and ‘Asoka.’
Who rushed Saif Ali Khan to the hospital?
Ibrahim Ali Khan rushed his father, Saif Ali Khan, to the Lilavati Hospital around 3.30 am, reportedly in an auto-rickshaw. Ibrahim Ali Khan is Saif’s eldest son from his first marriage with actor Amrita Singh.
At around 2.30 am, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s residence, which is located in an affluent suburb of Mumbai, in Bandra (west), news agency ANI reported. In the scuffle, the actor sustained six stab wounds, following which he underwent multiple surgeries.
On Thursday afternoon, Saif’s team issued a statement. “Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe and the police is investigating the incident,” the statement said.
Lilavati Hospital COO, Dr Niraj Uttamani, said one of the stab wounds is near the spine and one on the neck. He said two surgeries were conducted on the actor, Hindustan Times reported. Mumbai police and the Crime Branch are investigating the incident and the search is on to nab the prime suspect.
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