Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas, and their daughter Malti Marie rang in the new year with some quality family time during a relaxing vacation in Turks and Caicos. Following Priyanka’s posts, Nick also shared a few glimpses from their beachside getaway.
On Sunday, January 4, Nick Jonas took to Instagram to share pictures from their New Year celebration at a beachside property in Turks and Caicos, as mentioned in his post. The first photo featured him with Priyanka and Malti on the beach. The caption read, “What an incredible way to kick off 2025 with some much needed family time in the paradise that is Turks and Caicos. Thanks @airbnb and @bchesky for helping us make so many memories. Happy new year everyone!
In the photo, Nick posed alongside Priyanka, who wore a red swimsuit on the beach, while their daughter Malti Marie played in the water. Another photo showed Nick sipping on a drink, and two additional pictures gave a glimpse of the property where they stayed during their vacation.
Recently, on Saturday, the Citadel actress shared a sneak peak from the vacation on Instagram. The caption read, “Abundance. That is my goal for 2025. In joy ,in happiness and in peace. May we all find abundance this new year. So grateful for my family. Happy 2025. Thank you @airbnb for such wonderful memories.
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