Global star Priyanka Chopra’s mother, Madhu Chopra, recently opened up about the difficult decision to send her daughter to boarding school at the age of seven, a choice that still haunts her. In an emotionally charged conversation with Rodrigo Canelas on the Something Bigger Talk Show podcast, Madhu reflected on the decision she and her husband, both doctors, made years ago. While it was a practical move given their demanding professions, she now regrets it deeply
Born into a family of medical professionals, Priyanka spent much of her childhood moving from place to place due to her parents’ careers. To provide her with a stable environment, her parents opted for boarding school, a choice that came at an emotional cost. Madhu admitted, “I don’t know, was I a mean mother? I still regret it. I still cry over it. It was very hard for me, too.”
Despite the pain of separation, Madhu Chopra managed her tough decision with love. She used to visit Priyanka every weekend to spend time with her. However, this routine began to disrupt Priyanka’s ability to adjust to boarding school life. Madhu explained, “But the thing was, every Saturday, I would leave my work and take a train and come to visit her every Saturday. That was becoming disruptive for her because she was not able to adjust to her boarding school. Saturday, she would wait for me to arrive, and then on Sunday, I would stay with her. And all week, the teacher told me, ‘Stop coming. You can’t come.’”
Looking back, Madhu feels a mix of regret and pride. While the decision was difficult, Priyanka not only adjusted but also thrived. “So that is one regretful decision, but Priyanka turned out alright. She landed on her feet,” Madhu shared.
Priyanka remains extremely close to her mother, who has supported her through life’s ups and downs. After winning the Miss World title in 2000 at just 18 years old, Priyanka debuted in the 2002 Tamil film Thamizhan. She went on to deliver several Bollywood hits, a journey that demanded immense hard work and perseverance.
On the work front, Priyanka has several exciting projects lined up, including The Bluff, Heads of State, and the next season of Citadel
Global star Priyanka Chopra’s mother, Madhu Chopra, recently
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