Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were recently spotted at Gateway Of India, as they headed to their home in Alibaug. While Anushka returned from there the very next day alone, Virat was also spotted at Gateway as he returned on Tuesday. The couple has a holiday home in Alibaug and according to reports, they are set to host a housewarming ceremony today. It was reported in 2023, that Virat has bought a 2000 sq feet villa in in Alibaug and paid Rs 36 lakh as stamp duty alone. Apart from this villa, the duo also reportedly own a farmhouse in Alibaug which costs around Rs 19.24 crore.
On Wednesday moring, Instant Bollywod had shared a video from the Gateway, where some staff members of the Virat and Anushka were seen carrying things essential for the housewarming on the ferry. A priest was also spotted with them, on the ferry who would conduct the pooja.
Anushka and Virat became parents for the second time in February 2024. They had a baby boy and named him Akaay. They are also parents to Vamika who was born in 2021. Ever since the birth of Akaay, Virat and Anushka have largely been spending time away from Mumbai, so that their children are not always captured by the paps. It was also reported that they are shifting to London. But now this new villa in Alibaug, may mean that the family will spend time there when in Mumbai, just so that they are away from all the buzz in the city.
On work front, Anushka had last shot for a film called ‘Chakda Xpress’ which has not yet released.
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