Bollywood star Aamir Khan has said he will quit smoking if his son Junaid Khan’s film ‘Loveyapa’ with Khushi Kapoor becomes a hit. The film is releasing on February 7.
Khushi Kapoor is all set to make her big-screen debut alongside Junaid Khan in the much-anticipated rom-com Loveyapa. While excitement is building to see Khushi take on a lighthearted role, she recently received a heartfelt comparison to her late mother, the legendary Sridevi, from none other than Mr. Perfectionist, Aamir Khan.
Sharing his thoughts on the film, Aamir Khan revealed that he “liked” the rough cut and called Loveyapa “entertaining.” The versatile actor also praised Khushi Kapoor’s performance, stating, “I felt I was watching Sridevi.” He further added, “Her energy was there. I could feel it.”
Fans are now even more eager to watch Khushi Kapoor’s first theatrical release with Junaid Khan, as Aamir Khan’s admiration has heightened anticipation for the film. Beyond Khushi’s performance, audiences are buzzing with excitement to witness the fresh pairing of Khushi and Junaid and their on-screen chemistry.
Directed by Advait Chandan, Loveyapa is slated to hit theatres on February 7. The first song from the film, Loveyapa Ho Gaya, has already grabbed attention, further amplifying the buzz around the project. Shortly after the song’s release, fans drew comparisons between Khushi and her late mother, Sridevi. One fan commented, “Khushi Kapoor looks more like Sridevi than Janhvi. Her expressions are so cute.” Another wrote, “Khushi Kapoor is going to kill it in her theatrical debut.”
As the posters and songs continue to capture attention, Khushi Kapoor is gearing up to win hearts with her charming role, promising to connect with audiences and establish herself as one of the most promising newcomers in the industry.
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