Aamir Khan recently produced ‘Laapataa Ladies’, directed by Kiran Rao, which has now become India’s official entry for the Oscars. The duo is currently promoting the film internationally. In a recent conversation, Aamir and Kiran shared insights about whether their professional connection has changed post-divorce.
In an interview with BBC News, the actor discussed the thought process behind choosing his ex-wife, Kiran, as the director. According to Aamir, her ability to approach stories with sincerity and authenticity made her the ideal choice to bring the script to life.
actor also spoke about their creative partnership during the making of the film. While working together, they often engaged in passionate debates but emphasised that these disagreements were rooted in their shared commitment to the story. “We convinced each other about the right things, and that’s what mattered,” the ‘PK’ actor remarked.
He went on to express his admiration for Kiran’s dedication and creative sensibility, describing her as a filmmaker who pours her heart and soul into every project. “She has this instinct to stay true to the narrative and tell a story without unnecessary exaggeration, which resonates with my own approach,” he added. The actor also highlighted how their discussions on valid points during filming strengthened their collaboration.
The ‘Dangal’ actor expressed gratitude for his professional and personal relationship with Kiran, reflecting on their 16 years together as a period of growth and learning. He shared his admiration for her as an individual and revealed that their cordial bond continues even after their separation, bringing him happiness whenever he sees her.
When asked about the changes in their professional relationship after the divorce, Aamir acknowledged that their personal bond has seen slight changes but stressed that their feelings remain strong and without confusion. “She is a great person, and I am not too bad, so we get along well. We love and respect each other,” he stated.
Aamir and Kiran met on the set of ‘Lagaan’, where she worked as an assistant director. They married in 2005 and divorced in 2021. However, they continue to co-parent their son, Azad Rao Khan.
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