Just a day after announcing his shock retirement from international cricket, legendary off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin landed in his hometown, Chennai, on Thursday. On Wednesday, Ashwin made a shocking decision to bid adieu from the sport in the midst of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. India captain Rohit Sharma, during a post-match press conference, confirmed that Ashwin will return home and will not be travelling to Melbourne for the upcoming Border-Gavaskar Trophy. He landed at the Madras International Airport in the early hours of Thursday.
The veteran cricketer didn’t answer any questions and urged the media to give him some privacy. He then entered his car and left for his house, where he received a grand welcome from his parents and neighbours.
Ashwin’s father was the first to embrace him as he landed hugs and kisses. Meanwhile, his mother was reduced to tears upon his arrival. Ashwin’s wife and daughters were also present with him.
Ashwin finished with 537 wickets in 106 Tests since his debut in 2011 against the West Indies in New Delhi.
He was also more than useful with the bat.
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