The Indian cricket team had its first training session on Tuesday after the heavy loss against Australia in the pink-ball Test match. While most India cricketers attended the session, there were two major absentees – Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammed Siraj. According to a report by Sydney Morning Herald, both the fast bowlers skipped practice as part of workload management. However, the sight of Bumrah spending time with India’s strength and conditioning coach on the sidelines of the practice session has sparked a massive concern. During the second Test match, Bumrah was seen holding his inner thigh in pain and although he continued bowling, there were some experts who were left concerned.
Former Australian cricket team fast bowler Damien Fleming reacted to Bumrah missing the practice session in Adelaide and said that there will be “serious doubts” when it comes to him.
“There’s got to be some serious doubts. Siraj might be workload [related] but I’m bemused Bumrah bowled that over. They could have hid this. They showed their hand,” he said on SEN Radio.
“There’s no way that’s cramp. He was very ginger after the break in the first innings. He bowled again, not quite as slow second innings. I don’t even know why he bowled that over [in the second innings]. That actually gave some secrets away to everyone,” he added.
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