Sharujan Shanmuganathan, known as “Little Sanga,” gained fame as a child prodigy in cricket when his elegant cover drive, reminiscent of Kumar Sangakkara, was noticed during a Sri Lanka vs. Australia Test match. Commentator Tony Greig dubbed him “Little Kumar Sangakkara,” which boosted his popularity.
Born in 2006, Sharujan showed exceptional cricket skills early in life, excelling in batting, bowling, and wicketkeeping. He began training at the CCC School of Cricket in Sri Lanka, where he earned numerous accolades in youth tournaments. At just nine years old, he participated in an Under-12 international cricket tournament in Bangalore and was named Player of the Series.
Sharujan continues to idolize Sangakkara and follows a rigorous practice schedule, supported by his family. Although recent updates about his cricketing journey are limited, his story remains a source of inspiration for aspiring cricketers
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