Global Village was buzzing with energy as Bollywood’s King, Shah Rukh Khan, took the stage in front of an ecstatic crowd of over 80,000 fans. It was a night filled with laughter, surprises, and unforgettable moments as SRK engaged with his audience in a way only he can.
Fans from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh filled the venue, chanting his name and doing his hooksteps as the superstar made his grand entrance.
Adding a personal touch to the event, SRK invited lucky fans, selected by City101.6, on stage to take photos with him. He even called his popular lookalike, Durgesh, to join him, joking, “If Global Village wants a second event tomorrow, please call Durgesh!” The crowd erupted with laughter as Durgesh performed his iconic SRK impersonation.
One fan had the audience cheering as she flawlessly recited a dialogue from Mohabbatein — “Ek ladki thi deewani so…”
Another fan expressed her love for SRK on behalf of Pakistan, while another dedicated his dance moves to the superstar with Chaiyya Chaiyya as he shook a leg with him on stage.
The event was a complete spectacle, with confetti showers and fireworks lighting up the night sky, creating a magical backdrop for SRK’s heartfelt farewell. Shooting T-shirts into the crowd with a cannon, he left no stone unturned in ensuring fans felt his love.
In his closing remarks, SRK thanked the crowd and the organisers of Global Village, saying, “Thank you for being so kind. Thank you for giving me the chance to interact with over 80,000 of you. God bless you all, and may he give you the greatest and nicest things in life.”
For over an hour, the Bollywood icon danced, laughed, and connected with his fans, proving once again why he remains one of the most beloved stars in the world. As the night ended, the lingering magic of SRK’s presence left everyone with memories they’ll cherish forever.
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