Madhuri Dixit and her husband, Dr Shriram Nene, spoke about raising their children as grounded human beings who show gratitude for the privileges they’ve been given. The couple has two sons, Arin and Ryan, who are both studying in college in the United States. Dr Nene shared a new video on his YouTube channel, in which he’s interacting with Arin and Ryan, along with Madhuri, and his parents. During the family conversation, they spoke about the values that they’ve instilled in Arin and Ryan.
“You’re both living in apartments now, how is that?” he asked his sons, and they said that they’re enjoying it, and particularly liking the fact that they live close to each other, and their cousins. Dr Nene said, “We raised them together, they were in the same room, despite having a big house. And that made them very close.” Arin said that they see each other quite often, as he reflected on their relationship. “I would say we’re better than a lot of siblings. We tend not to fight that much,” Arin said.
Dr Nene then asked them about the family values that they’ve been instilled with. “In spite of our family background, you’re quite grounded. We never raised you with a spoon in your mouth,” he said. Ryan replied, “We grew up in a very different environment to a lot of people that I’ve met. Definitely, we’ve had a much easier time than the average person. Whether or not we’re grounded people, I would never say it myself. I would just hope that people perceive me that way, or rather, I end up behaving that way.”
Madhuri said that both Arin and Ryan were raised in a protective environment. “We were very careful about where you went, who you were with, but now you’re on your own.” Ryan said, “Me and Arin are much less visible here. Most of the time people just see me as some random kid.” Arin added, “It’s about understanding the value of things and not taking them for granted.” Madhuri quit films after she married Dr Nene, but made a comeback in the mid-2000s. The family then moved to India for good, as Madhuri returned to work full-time.
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