Jelena Djokovic brought a touch of elegance to her 2025 Australian Open wardrobe on Tuesday in Melbourne, Australia. Djokovic was on-hand in her husband’s player’s box as Novak Djokovic of Serbia defeated Carlos Alcaraz of Spain in the quarter-final match of the first Grand Slam tournament of the tennis season.
For the occasion, Djokovic wore a jacket courtesy of Dior. The jacket included elements of elegance married with a casual approach. The Dior piece incorporated a material of compact white technical mesh, featuring a straight silhouette embellished with patch pockets and Christian Dior Paris buttons that revealed a star adorned with a resin pearl.
Djokovic opted to pair her jacket with wide-leg trousers in a caramel tone. She added a sweater beneath her jacket that coordinated seamlessly with her trousers. As for her accessories, Djokovic added a delicate pair of earrings, stacks of bracelets, a watch and dainty rings.
Known for her natural approach to beauty, Djokovic embraced the clean makeup look, opting for bold brows and a touch of mascara. The rest of her makeup created a dewy effect, giving Djokovic a clean, serene look.
Djokovic is regularly on-hand in her husband’s player’s box for high-profile matches. On Sunday, Djokovic favored a more casual look for her husband’s match against Czech player Jiří Lehečka.
Djokovic, who attended the match with the couple’s son Stefan, wore head-to-toe blue, pairing an oversize button-down with light-wash jeans. She accessorized with Ray-Ban aviators, gold jewelry and a navy watch to complete here look.
After years supporting her husband in the player’s box for various tournaments and Grand Slam events, Jelena Djokovic’s style has become a masterclass in occasion dressing. The more laid-back, casual atmosphere of the Australian Open is perfectly exemplified in her recent style choices.
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