Following the aftermath of India’s loss to Australia in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) came up with a 10-point guideline. Media reports claimed that the decision was taken after consultation with head coach Gautam Gambhir, and the guidelines are aimed to allegedly end the “star culture” in the team. On Saturday, India captain Rohit Sharma was asked to share his views on the guidelines during a press conference at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. However, Rohit lost his cool at the reporter and asked him to wait for an official confirmation from the BCCI.
“Who has told you about these rules? Has it come from the official handle? Let it come, and we will talk.”
The 10 diktats make it mandatory for players to seek Gambhir and chairman of selectors’ Ajit Agarkar’s approval for any relaxation, including the duration of stay for their families on tour.
The Board has approved only a two-week window for families to stay with the players during overseas tours that exceed 45 days, besides imposing restrictions on personal staff, and commercial shoots.
By the look of things, the BCCI seems to have completely backed Gambhir’s stance during the review meeting that took place last weekend.
Meanwhile, Rohit and Men’s Selection Committee Chairman Ajit Agarkar announced India’s squad for the upcoming Champions Trophy, as well as the preceeding three-game ODI series against England.
Rohit will lead the side while Shubman Gill has been named his vice-captain. Mohammed Shami has made a return to the ODI side for the time after the 2023 ODI World Cup, while pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah’s participation is subject to fitness.
His situation will be clear as late as early February. The deadline to change the squad for Champions Trophy is February 13.
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