The ongoing feud between Kangana Ranaut and Sonu Sood started in 2019 when Sonu abruptly left Kangana’s Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi. This incident has continued to affect their relationship, with Sonu recently confirming that they are no longer in touch.
In a recent interview with Shubhankar Mishra on his YouTube channel, Sonu opened up about his strained relationship with Kangana. He shared that they are no longer in contact, but recalled that they had once shared a good friendship before he chose to leave her film Manikarnika.
The actor explained that he left Manikarnika because of his friendship with Kangana. Although they are no longer in touch, he mentioned that he remains close to her family, who still greet him warmly. He added that he follows a personal rule of not speaking ill of someone with whom he has been close.
Sonu mentioned that while people are free to say whatever they want, he prefers not to speak negatively about anyone. He acknowledged feeling hurt at times, especially when a good friend says something upsetting, but he believes it’s often due to thoughtlessness rather than malice. Despite this, he has no regrets and chooses not to respond to such comments.
When asked if Kangana had offered him another film, Sonu shared that she hasn’t, as they haven’t spoken since Manikarnika. He mentioned that a mutual friend attempted to bring them together a few times, but those attempts were unsuccessful.
Sonu Sood exited Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi citing professional commitments to Simmba, though some reports suggested personal issues with Kangana. Kangana had taken over direction from Krish Jagalamudi for patchwork shoots, which turned into a major reshoot. She claimed Sonu left due to refusing to work under a female director, but he denied these allegations. Zeeshan Ayyub replaced him in the film.
Meanwhile on the work front, Sonu is eagerly awaiting the release of his film Fateh, while Kangana is focused on promoting her movie Emergency.
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