Exactly a month after her wedding, Anurag Kashyap’s daughter, Aaliyah Kashyap shared her wedding video on her YouTube channel. The nineteen-minute-long video was the combination of the couple’s haldi, mehendi, cocktail party, wedding, and a grand wedding reception. Aaliyah’s wedding festivities were nothing less than a fairy tale. The video opened with Aliyah’s Haldi festivities on their terrace, which was attended by their close family and friends. The video featured an emotional Anurag Kashyap hug his daughter.
The video then showed Aliyah’s mehendi festivities at her house along with her family and friends. Aaliyah got the pictures of her cute pets in her mehendi design.
The frames shifted to the cocktail party that saw the presence of Kalki Kochlin, Aaliyah’s mother Aarti Bajaj, and Imtiaz Ali, dancing with the couple and enjoying the night. It was finally the D-day, when the couple was seen talking about each other. Shane got emotional as he said, “Aaliyah is the girl I was looking for all my life. She is my soulmate without a doubt. I am overjoyed.” An emotional Aaliyah then said: “I feel so lucky that I met someone who loves me so much. I just think he is my best friend and I want to spend all my life with my best friend.”
Speaking about Aaliyah, Shane’s mother said, “I have felt comfortable around Aaliyah since day one. She has a beautiful heart and a lot of respect for us and she is so much fun. I love her like my daughter.”
The video then featured Aaliyah and Shane tie the knot in traditional attires and taking part in various rituals. The last part of the video gave a glimpse of their wedding reception with the family and friends.
The video showed an emotional Anurag Kashyap hugging his daughter at various instances. He was also seen crying and resting his head on his ex-wife, Aarti Bajaj’s shoulders. The couple’s reception was attended by many celebrities Manoj Bajpayee, Bobby Deol, Naga Chaitanya, and Nawazuddin Siddiqui among others
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